Getting Rid of Stubborn Cellulite the Easy Way!

I regularly visit M Day Spa for my waxing, facial and massage treatments. I enjoy the personal attention as much as the natural, organic treatments provided by the spa. The staff always leaves me feeling on top of the world about myself!

While I have tried many of the skin services, the anti-cellulite treatment section has tempted me no end. I find myself frowning at the umpteen dimples and grooves on my thighs as I stare at the Before and After pictures here.


Finally, I decided to speak to Marcelle about the problem. She told me that LPG Endermologie was the best option as it breaks up the stubborn cellulite deposits that have become resistant to diet and exercise. It targets localized fat even as it stimulates collagen production in those areas.

I was further assured that the rolling, sucking and massaging was safe (FDA approved) and painless as well. In fact, this seemed as an infinitely better option to invasive surgical procedures.

The husband was gung-ho about the program too and after our go-ahead, the spa tailored the program to match my needs. The rollers and massages eased the constant pain in my legs and I have to admit the lumps were mostly gone in 3 sessions itself. My thighs felt much firmer and smoother and I was enjoying a well-toned silhouette by the time my 5 sessions were up!

It was totally worth the price and I am planning to sign up for LPG Endermologie body treatment for the stomach and waist as well! If you are looking for similar treatments in the Beverly Hills area, just visit

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